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Imagine if everyone did THIS ...

Imagine if everyone did THIS ...

September 06, 20241 min read

This morning after coming out of teaching early morning tabata, I was helping the kids get ready for school.

Emmie says to me, “mom, you are so much nicer and more patient after a workout!”

I said, “You’ve got that right. Thank you for noticing!”

I always say in classes, “imagine what it would be like out there if everyone took some time to move their bodies and fill their tanks before taking on their days?!”

If you struggle with self care, especially in the mornings (it has a massive impact on the rest of your day), we are opening VFit to a group of women to join us for 7 days - our gift to you.

Our open house starts on 9/16. Just take the first step by reaching out and letting us know you are interested.

Your quality of life, your impact on your family, your purpose on this world, your ability to keep being a work in progress is our life mission!

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