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Stop Foot Pain with THIS 10 Minute Massage

Stop Foot Pain with THIS 10 Minute Massage

October 11, 17032 min read

Are you someone who is on their feet a lot for work? Teachers, parents, healthcare professionals this is for you! The ache and pain at the end of the day is real.

Maybe you wore heels to that holiday party and your feet are screaming at you now!

Foot pain can be debilatating. In this blog we have a very special gfit for you with this 10 minute foot massage video to help alleviate and help stop foot pain.

Or, are you an avid runner/athlete who spends a lot of time foot striking and are starting to notice signs of foot pain and lower leg aches that are holding you back.

The health of your feet tell a lot about the health of your body. And you don't have to live with foot pain.

If you have good circulation, mobility, stability, and strength in your feet, chances are you are one functionally fit and healthy person!

Feet may gross some people out, but they truly are the foundation of your body - do not ignore them and just stuff them in a shoe all the time!

They are so complex and intricate! And they feel OH SO GOOD to give a little extra TLC.

And let's be real, who doesn't LOVE a good foot massage?!

My gift to you today - this 10 minute foot massage that is a staple of our VFit Studio Friday Barre online fitness class. We call it "foot massage Friday."

Treat yourself to this gift as much as possible - your body will thank you from your pinky to all the way to the top of your head!

More to look for from VFit Studio in 2024:

  • More member support with one on one and group coaching options throughout the year

  • Specialized workshop series covering nutrition, self care, somatic therapy, and more

  • In person retreat held at June Lake, California at the end August

  • Fitness challenges to help get through some of the most challenges times of the year

  • Accountability coaching and support through fitness challenges and special events

You are welcome to try a complimentary 7 day jumpstart at VFit, including unlimited VFit classes and support. Sign up here to get started.

online fitness programfitness classes for womenlivestreamed workoutswomens fitness coachingonline exercise classesworkout program for femaleswomens fitness training
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Rachele Jaegers

Rachele Jaegers is the founder and owner of VFit Studio, online fitness studio.

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