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Take Guilt out of the Self Care Equation

Take Guilt out of the Self Care Equation

August 30, 20242 min read

There's so many numbers associated with 'being fit' that have long been held important and popular.

You see it everywhere.

Losing inches. Counting calories. Dropping pounds.

I just want to get my waist back to what it was in college. I need to limit my calorie intake to 1,200 to stay on my diet. I'll be happy once I lose 10 pounds.

Stop the insanity!

The most important part of the fitness equation is to remove ALL GUILT associated with self care.

This is the biggest and most important road block for most women we talk to that are exploring joining VFit Studio.

The guilt involved in focusing on self care. The mere thought of taking time out of your day just to focus on you. It brings up so much.

Why are women so guilt ridden when it comes to self care?

Most are hardwired to be caretakers. It fuels us to take care of others.

But what is often overlooked is the mere fact that you cannot fill from an empty cup.

Yes, you can pour and pour and maybe get to that last teeny tiny drop. But after that, there's nothing left.

It's the 'nothing left' group of women we hope finds this post and read its today.

You are worthy of self care. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of taking time out of your day to fill your own cup.

The time you invest in you will not only fill your cup, but it will in fact help fill in the cups of those around you that you care for.

We've seen it!

Trust us.

The time you spend on you not only impacts and benefits YOU, but EVERYONE you come into contact with. Your family, your friends, even the grocery store employee you interact with and smile at because you are feeling so good.

Self care is an act of self love. Practice it daily to fuel up your mind, your body, and your spirit.

We have over 70 live class options each week, and a full on demand library packed with every format under the sun all there for you to get your self care in.

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