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Sweaty Selfie as a Badge of Honor

Sweaty Selfie as a Badge of Honor

July 26, 20241 min read

This is the face after an awesome workout, when I REALLY didn’t feel like it! I’ve learned, those are often my best workouts.

When you are stronger than your excuses, stronger than your lack of motivation, when you know that how you feel in the moment is not the best indicator if you should show up!!

It also helps 100% that I have a team to report in to and who are all showing up together.

Is it always easy? Heck no!

Is it always worth it? Heck yes!!

Nobody can workout for you or take control of your health. You own that superpower and should never take your health for granted.

That’s why we love a sweaty selfie at VFit! It’s a badge of honor that you showed up and did the work!

Which means you get to shine brighter in this world today and the world needs that more than ever right now!

If you are stuck in the same cycle of starting and stopping a fitness program, or letting yourself off the hook all the time - let’s chat!!!

You just have to start today, then again tomorrow, and one more step at a time until it becomes part of your core values and who you are!!

Fitness has no age requirement or limit! Todays a blank page, go write your story 💪🙌💦

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