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Love Letter To You When You Don't Want to Workout

Love Letter To You When You Don't Want to Workout

April 11, 20241 min read

Love Letter To You When You Don't Want to Workout

This post is for YOU. When you just can't motivate to workout but you know you should. Read it now, read it whenever you need it. Share it with anyone who needs to see it.

Dear Me,

It's that time. Time to take a few minutes out of my day to fill my own cup.

There's a lot on my plate right now, and it feels hard to manage.

But I know, down in my bones, that the few minutes I take RIGHT now will help lift me up and fuel me for the rest of the day.

The world is not going to end if I hit 'pause' for a few moments and get a workout in right now.

Everything will be fine without me during my workout.

It's okay for me to take time out of my day, just for me.

Guilt free.

If I'm not feeling 100%, it's okay. I'm going to give as much as I can in the workout right now and know that any amount I give right now is BIGGER THAN ZERO.

I'm thankful for the body I have. I'm grateful for movement.

Thank you for this day.

I'm ready to workout. I know I deserve it. Let's do this.



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Rachele Jaegers

Rachele Jaegers is the founder and owner of VFit Studio, online fitness studio.

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