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The Art of Showing Up

The Art of Showing Up

August 09, 20241 min read

Our message today is all about the art of showing up.

Showing up for yourself. Believing in yourself. Knowing that you are WORTH the time you invest in self care.

Self care is so powerful. If you've felt weakened, lethargic, maybe a bit lost ... it's your magic ticket back to feeling more you.

You GET to put in the work to feel good. You GET to move your body. You GET to push hard and get uncomfortable so you can expand your comfort zone.

We've been watching the Olympics and the common themes of consistency, a focus on total health which includes mind, body, and spirit, and surrounding yourself with a community that lifts you up are three constants in every Olympians' story.

We are all every day athletes. We train and focus on self care so we can bring more joy into our lives. More energy, more connection, more of what makes us feel good!

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for continuing to support our VFit Studio community, near and far. Getting to share our workouts, our messages, programs, and our lives with you is what lights us up and motivates each day to keep going strong.

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