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Thank You Dear Crocus

Thank You Dear Crocus

March 08, 20251 min read

There's something extra special about the crocus flower.

It's the harbinger of spring, one of the first to pop up in many parts of the country often weeks before the official start of spring begins.

What makes it so special is its resilience. It's power. A very tiny flower that stays low to the ground, it comes up and grows and blooms in the harshest of conditions.

While you are still shivering when you open the front door in the morning, warming up and de-icing your care, that little crocus is popping through the soil saying HELLO its time for SPRING.

Spring is such a special season. A time of renewal and bloom. The seeds you've planted over the fall come to fruition.

The lessons you can take from this simple and beautiful phenomena are plenty!

The hard work you put in will produce results.

Life is cyclical, there will be ups and there will be downs. Peaks and valleys. Walk through them all and keep moving forward.

You have a 100% track record of making it to today. Remember that.

You are more ready than you realize to take that next step!

Thank you, dear crocus flower, for your gentle reminder that the spring is near. While we'll keep on our winter coats until the temps fall in line, we'll continue to admire you each morning as we walk outside and take our dogs out for that first cold walk of the day.

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