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Find Your Why

Find Your Why

August 03, 20242 min read

What's the most powerful exercise you've ever done?

One trainer anonymously shares below:

"I will never forget when I first joined the VFit community and took part in a 14 day wellness program. The first 'exercise' had nothing to do about sweating, but absolutely rocked my world and changed my life.

The activity, and I encourage you to grab a pen and piece of paper as you read on, is to uncover your WHY.

Here's how it it goes and what it revealed to me and absolutely changed the course of my career, how I view my body, and the relatsionships around me.

We were asked:

Question 1: Why did you sign up for this wellness challenge?

Simple enough ...

Answer 1: To be healthy.

Then, the WHY exercise continues, and you need to answer WHY to each answer 6 more times.

6 more times peeled back layers upon layers about my inner motivation and brought me back to my childhood. Where I grew up constantly worrying about my parents' health. It brought me so much stress and anxiety to watch them smoking and not taking care of themselves. Non stop from as young as I can remember their lack of self care was a big cause of concern.

My final WHY answer was simple.

I did not want my children to grow up with that same worry about ME. I needed to break this cycle and make sure that I took the best possible care of my health and serve as a positive role model for my own children. To help teach them how to do the same for themselves.

This revelation led to a major mindset shift, and also led me to change careers and enter the world of fitness as a professional. I wanted to be the person to help others acheive the same goal.

The VFit mission is to make self care attainable for those looking to improve the quality of their lives. I can't think of any more worthy cause that speaks to my own personal WHY more."

Have you ever gone through the WHY exericse about why you are, or possibly are not, working out?

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