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The Greatest Wealth is Health

The Greatest Wealth is Health

January 14, 20253 min read

We are approached all the time by those looking for fitness advice.

What exercise should I be doing to strengthen my back? How many minutes of cardio do I need to do each week? How can I build up my stamina?

These are all great questions! And we do our best to answer these each time they come through.

But to be honest, the biggest answer for all of your fitness question is this:

The greatest wealth is health. And the best way to invest in YOU is self care.

You can't get anywhere on your fitness journey if you are not investing in yourself.

Investing your energy. Investing your time. Investing your focus.

You can have all the fancy workout clothes and equipment under the sun, but if you are not really IN IT and putting in the energy, time, and focus into your self care, you will not get the results you want.

Your health is worth it!

There is an old adage we come to again and again ...

A person with their health has a thousand wishes. A person without their health has but one.

Which person would you rather be?

We know who we choose to be! That's why we stay consistent and committed to our self care routine.

Even when we are tired or when we don't feel like it. Even when it gets hard, or when our children are sick. We know that keeping up our own self care is the most important thing. When we do that, we can show up as the best version of ourselves.

Our biggest habit we encourage our VFit Studio community to embrace is #setitupsunday.

This is our weekly ritual where we sit down and prioritize our self care for the week. We take an honest look at our personal schedule for the week and we book our workouts in for the entire week.

Not only do we book the classes, we make sure they are all added to our own personal calendars. It's an important date we set with ourselves. Just as important as going to the dentist or taking our kids to their after school activities.

All of our workouts are booked and staring us in the face each time we look at our calendar.

Because of this, our self care is top of mind each day!

This makes us way more likely to honor our commitment and show up to those workouts.

Not every week is sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes we may miss one. That's okay, that's life.

But at this with this system in place, we know what our target is.

They say you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

If nothing is planned, then plan on nothing happening!

So we invite you to adopt this weekly habit with us this year. Embrace #setittupsunday and take a few moments each week to set yourself up for success in the week ahead.

Here's the link to our live online workout schedule so you can see what workouts in our studio fit your schedule best. We look forward to seeing you in class!

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