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How much Control Does Your Scale Hold Over You?

How much Control Does Your Scale Hold Over You?

June 29, 20245 min read

“Beeeeeeeeeeeeep, it’s 6am and your alarm goes off this morning. You yawn, stretch your arms up, get out of bed and head into the bathroom. After doing your “business”, you hop on that little white machine staring at you for your weekly “weigh in”.

You stand up nice and tall, sucking it all in, because that’ll help, right?!

The scale thinks for a second and then spits a number back at you. It’s only 3 digits in length and yet that number holds SO much power over you.

Frustrated yet again that with ALL of your hard work and dedication the past week, the number is NOT what you had hoped it would be.

Those 3 digits staring back at you are now hard wired into your head – you are in a crummy mood, which transfers into your self talk the rest of the day and then into every other area of life.

You beat yourself up, question why you are even trying so hard to be “healthy” and wondering if all this effort is worth it.

It is ingrained in your head that health is a chore and that number staring back at you is either your reward or punishment, depending what the scale shows.”

Let’s stop right here. If you know anything about me, you know I am very much DISLIKE the scale. I’ve seen it sabotage so many people’s progress, one too many times – myself included.

Today I want to question WHY you let that number hold so much weight on you (no pun intended 🙂 ?

Why is this number SO important to you?

More than likely you are tying an ideal number in your mind, to your happiness. This needs to stop, but of course that is easier said than done. One way to get there is to dig deep and figure out why this number means so much to you?

This can go a few ways for different people, but the end story is the same for us all.

Does this number signify ...

1) A person you were in the past, at this certain weight? You remember her happy, healthy, more energized and had a bigger ZEST for life!

That person you look back at was no more worthy of all of those things than you are RIGHT NOW! It’s quite possible when you were that certain weight, you made your health a bigger priority and you felt better for it.

You MISS that feeling, not the number! – Don’t get the 2 confused.

Kids, job, being a grown up…. It all has a way of taking precious “me time” away from us.

So if this is your story, start to retrain you mind that it wasn’t this ideal weight that gave you strength and confidence, but it was the added self care you spent time on for YOU. Slowly incorporate some back each day. I have never seen someone get to a certain number on the scale, where unicorns start flying around and life is suddenly perfect again. It doesn’t work that way!

or maybe this is more your story…..

2) You look back at a time when you now kick yourself for not basking in the glory of your “amazing body” – so that weight must be what you need to strive for again, right?

You didn’t appreciate that weight back when you had it, but you promise yourself, when you get back to that number this time – you will OWN IT !

This probably isn’t going to happen, even if you get down to this weight again. There was a reason you didn’t appreciate your weight in the past, most likely the same thing would happen again and that is the bigger story to uncover.

or maybe…..

3) The ideal weight you have in your head is not even healthy or realistic number. You have never been this weight before, you can’t in any balanced/healthy way get there now and you are just self sabotaging your current happiness on something that’s not even realistic.

If you relate to any of the scenarios above, what you need to do is throw away your scale until you have a healthy relationship with YOU!

All of you – head to toe!

Then you can bring that scale back. But I am willing to bet when that happens, you won’t even care about the scale.

Shift all of the focus you place on this number and instead focus it on the IMPORTANT changes that are happening as you take care of YOU!

The most profound and important changes always begin on the inside. Those are the changes that take health from a seasonal sport and turn it into a life long journey.

In time everything will happen on the outside as it should, but that just becomes the icing on the cake!

If even ONE PERSON ditches the scale after thinking about this, my heart will smile a little brighter.

Don't stress the scale

I got rid of my scale after my first daughter was born and it was the quickest and best thing I ever did for my mental/physical health.

I workout consistently because it feeds my soul and makes me a better person. I eat real food 80% of the time because I love having energy and food is fuel.

And without a doubt, I am in the best shape of my life, I feel comfortable in my own skin – all without having an exact clue how much I weigh. (Your clothes can tell you the true story, we all know that!)

If that scale has dictated your mood one too many times and you find yourself spinning in the same circles over and over when it comes to your health, I urge you to decide how much that number really means to you and if it is worth taking up precious ounces of your energy to stress over?

If you are ready to join a team that care’s nothing about the number on the scale and 100% about making YOU happy, try a free 7 day jumpstart and pop into our online fitness classes and community starting today.

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